Integrating business and corporate plans

Client: Public

The Challenge

Like many public funded bodies the client is expected to meet statutory obligations across a range of policy areas. The client therefore had a suite of policy plans, economic development and social inclusion strategies, and service/operational plans to give effect to the business of the organisation. At the same time the organisation was going through a significant re-structuring. The result was that the client had plans and programmes which conflicted with each other and caused considerable confusion in both staff and senior management and at Board level.

The Response

O’Riordain and Associates working alongside the management team, staff and board members, completed an audit of the planning and operational arrangements and devised a simple process of policy integration which was supported by a series of action plans for improved service delivery.

The Effect

The organisation now has a clearer perspective on meeting its various statutory obligations. This understanding is shared across the senior management, the Board and the staff. The organisation’s external stakeholders can now see the key delivery obligations of the organisation. Substantive delivery is now measurable and based upon practical, tangible actions which are transparent to both internal and external stakeholders.